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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

127 hours in Arches - don't worry, we didn't get our arm stuck...

We hit the path early to beat the heat and headed to Arches to hike. When we got to the parking lot, the kids used the restroom and came running out laughing. I went in and understood why. What is up with the third item on the rules? Do you really need to tell people that???

We didn't realize that at 9am in the morning, it would already be almost 90 degrees. Luckily we loaded up with water and good attitudes and started our adventure. As I continued to point out the amazing rock formations, Mia (my daughter) finally said, "Dad, it is just another rock, it looks like all of the other ones you pointed out." The best part was the narrow path we had to walk to get to Delicate Arch. We felt like mules passing each other and hugged the wall as others passed us. Clearly Mia was not happy about the heat, length of the hike, and her father stopping every 20 feet to take pictures.

The arch was amazing and it wasn't very crowded. I considered walking out to stand under it but I lost my nerve and decided taking a picture was a bit better than falling a few hundred feet and landing on a cactus.

Here are a few other cool items from Arches:

Now for the exciting part of the hike back. Rebecca, who is in great shape, had a minor incident. I had taken (carried on my back in 100 degree heat) Mia back to the car. Ben was waiting for Rebecca but somehow get separated so he ended up coming back to the car without her. When I asked him where she was, he said he had waited for her but she never showed up. At that point, I grabbed a water and started to run back the trail. It turns out the altitude and heat really hit her and she had almost fainted. Luckily some nice hikers we had met before stopped, gave her water, and stayed until I got back to her. Thank you Dave and Lauren from Michigan for helping Rebecca.

What I learned today - there are still really good people in this world. Those who are willing to stop and help a perfect stranger in a time of need.

What I appreciated about the day: the amazing views and seeing Rebecca jump on the top of a huge rock (this was right before she almost passed out and maybe the jumping had something to do with her incident).

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