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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Back in the US and ready to learn and push myself...

After fighting off jet lag for the first few days back from Paris, I am ready to learn, grow, and relax. I started yoga again and this was another humbling experience. Vinyasa All Levels clearly means most of the class is advanced except me and the 90 year old next to me. As my arms are shaking violently, the instructor gives me a polite look and says, "If anyone is tired or shaking they are welcome to grab their leg with their hands to help." I know this was directed at me but I chalked it up to her trying to help me and not see me land on my head or the person next to me. I survived and am heading back this week.

I decided to break out my craftsman skills and build a birdhouse with Ben. I think it turned out pretty good and now Mia and I are in the process of painting it. I bought enough wood to make a few more and when Mia heard this she said she wants to build the next one and use our cool power tools.

I have always loved to skateboard but rarely have the time, so, Mia and I spent some time on the lane as she wanted to learn. After a few lessons, she was ready to do it by herself and proved her balance is much better than mine.

Hammock time has been essential to help clear my mind. I sometimes meditate, I sometimes drink beer in it, and I sometimes say I am going to meditate but end up napping. I decided any of these three reasons are good enough for me.

I played in a masters men's lacrosse game in the Shootout for Soldiers - This nationwide event raised over $4 million to support our veterans. I have not played lacrosse for a bit and forgot how much fun it was to be on a team and have to work as one entity to achieve success. I also forgot how much a 6 foot long defense stick hurts when it hits you in the arm. I now have a nice bruise that is a strange blue color, but that comes with the game.

To push myself I signed up for indoor skydiving at iFly. I really hate heights, so I figured this would be a good way to start working on that fear. More to come after I do it (or chicken out at the last minute). I am also enrolled in a metal welding class and hope not to burn off my eyebrows.

What I learned: The best way to build self-confidence is to do something you are afraid of. This played out with Mia skateboarding and hopefully me with iFly.

What I appreciated: Woodworking with my son and watching him learn how to measure twice and cut once.

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