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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Birthday in Utah

We started the day with coffee in the snow - what??? Snow you say?? Ok, so it was the mural in Starbucks but we thought it was fun. Ok, I thought it was fun and my son was dying of humiliation and rolling my eyes while my wife was holding back her tears of embarrassment. At least my daughter appreciated the fun - I think I will be updating my will and I know who gets the inheritance.

Next we headed up to the Utah Olympic Ski Park where we watched some amazing current and future Olympians. They did some amazing jumps into water. I quickly realized that any attempt to do this on my part would end in massive embarrassment - with me tumbling down the ramp and flopping into the water like Shamu.

Next was some chill time by the pool. The kids were too tired to join so I took the opportunity to have some alone time without someone grabbing my shirt, asking me 1,000 questions, or stepping on my toes - it was like heaven.

Just for kicks, and because my kids asked me to do it, I am growing a beard. Yes, a beard. Those of you who know me, know that I can't stand having facial hair, and the only 30 days a year I grow something is for Movember. Well, so far I realize why I don't do this; there is a lotttttttttttttttttt of gray in there. I look like an aged calico cat that gave up on grooming. I committed to grow it until we get to Moab, which will be tomorrow. Then I can decide if I want to keep going or shave. Actually, we decided to put that decision to a vote - so I could end up looking like Santa if the three of them vote for me to keep it.

The forecast for Moab is looking a bit hot. I assume I will end up like Chevy Chase in Vacation where he is stumbling across the desert, shedding his clothes, and babbling like an idiot (ok, so I already do the last of those three). If you don't hear anything from me in the next 3-4 days, please send help.

What I learned today: my daughter is exactly like me when it comes to learning. I have a tendency to ask a lot of questions that sometimes don't seem relevant. Like if someone is telling me a story and says, "Jane did this when she was traveling." I instantly ask who is Jane and where was she traveling to and from. I realized I do this to build a mental model/picture of the conversation. Mia does the exact same thing and it can be super annoying. So, I apologize to all of you who I do this to.

What I appreciated about the day: Having a relaxing birthday with my family.

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