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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Canyonlands and Bob Ross paintings

We headed off to Canyonlands to see some more arches and "big holes" as my kids call them. I decided to try a new look - mohawk with a beard - much to my kids' unapproving looks and words. I think my son actually said he will not be seen with me if I look like this - too bad!!!

Mesa Arch was amazing - other than being so close to a massive drop over the edge. I am seriously afraid of heights so I had to baby-step my way over to the edge and hold back any vomit that was trying to escape.

We decided not to do a long walk. In fact when I merely suggested one, I had rotten tomatoes and smelly shoes thrown at my head. So, I decided to back down on the offer. Instead we went for a small "stroll"; little did they know it was a hike! We were all sweaty and by the time we had lunch I had some evil stares pointing my direction - see the last picture below.

There were amazing rocks, trees, and valleys that literally took my breath away.

Mia wanted to write something tonight so this is from her, "To me, everything looked the same and it all looked like one giant Bob Ross painting. Me and Ben tried to catch a lizard but it just wouldn't happen. Oh and btw, I ate a concha (bread-like pastry) and a free sugar cookie today. They were both delish. I am making a movie so I'm going to get famous."

What I learned today: nature is amazing. The shapes, colors, and textures of things in our world is unlike anything else you can experience. Walking past walls of stone that have wind and water marks that look like honeycomb is so cool.

What I appreciated about today: swimming in our pool when it is 100 degrees out at 4pm. You essentially go from pool chair to pool and back to the pool over and over again. Watching my kids love the water like I do brought a smile to my face (other than Mia trying to sink me when I was peacefully floating on a raft).

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