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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Day 1 - back breaking work, withdrawals, and relaxing

Updated: Jul 1, 2019

Day 1 - well I guess it really isn't the first day of my sabbatical because it is Saturday but for the sake of argument, today is day one. I started the day with zero work emails, decided to have a clean slate going into the next 10 weeks. No I didn't just delete them all, a few hours on a Friday and few beers - boom - down to zero. I decided to tackle the sod laying that I had put off for a few months - my gosh that stuff is heavy. After two trips to Home Depot and a lot of swearing, the job is done.

Throughout the day I kept having the pull to check my email, luckily I had removed it from my phone but it is strange how addictive the desire to always check mail has become. I plan to put my phone down more and leave it behind when I don't really need.

Thanks for my wonderful wife and son, I have a new hammock to chill in. I ended the day with a beer and my feet up (which they needed due to that stupid F&@$*&g sod that broke my back and my feet).

What I learned: watching your kids cut trees with a Sawzall can be scary but at the same time amazing.

What I appreciated about the day: finding time to meditate and actually doing 10 minutes in complete silence (without a guided meditation)

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