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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Day 2 - Showing some PRIDE!

What a perfect day to march in the Seattle Pride parade with Microsoft. My wife and I ran into a few Microsofties on the bus ride over and were overwhelmed with the volume of support and friendship that Seattle always shows this event. Thank you Microsoft for being such an vocal advocate and ally!

I think the best outfits I saw were the 50+ people dressed in Pride colored Star Wars costumes - they looked AWESOME!

What I learned: Regardless (or irregardless for those of you who hate that non-word) of where you come from, what color your skin is, or who you want to marry - we can all come together and celebrate equality and remember - LOVE is LOVE.

What I appreciated about the day: the ability to share the streets of Seattle with some of the most amazing people in the world.

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