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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Day 3 - time to do so learning and a bit of disappointment

I always considered myself to be in ok shape but that clearly was not the case when I took my first Vinyasa yoga class today. To start out, it wasn't hot yoga but it felt like it was 200 degrees in there and I assume some of that was just my nerves of attempting yoga. I maybe should have tried a toddler class as within the first few minutes the instructor was calling out poses like something dog, sunshine glory, pain pretzel, and impossible pose - or that was what I thought I heard him say. For as hard as it was, I plan on going back and seeing this through. The opportunity to quiet my mind while exercising is very appealing to me (minus the 40 gallons of sweat I lost).

What I learned: I can bake!!! Ok, I have baked before but never banana bread from scratch (in the past it was from a box and included many ingredients I couldn't pronounce). My wife kept telling me to make sure I measured (something I am not very good at - don't measure and cut until it fits is my motto) but I decided to wing it. Turned out ok, other than the top sticking to some tinfoil which is why it looks like a crater on the moon.

What I appreciated about the day: my daughter and I played bounce-the-ball, yes, it is what it seems. Bounce a ball back and forth and see how many times you can do it. We beat our record and landed on 124! Sometimes the most simple things in life can bring a smile to your face.

I almost forgot the disappointing part of my day. I assumed Costco on a weekday would be awesome. Nobody there, free samples all to myself, people handing out money as I walked in - dreams crushed. The parking lot was packed, people elbowing me to get the free samples of cut up sausages, and lines that made Disneyland look tame.

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2 commentaires

08 juil. 2019

That’s an awesome looking cake..must be tasty too 😊


08 juil. 2019

Hi Mac, it is so fun to hear and read all you are doing. Thank you for sharing your sabbatical with us! Carol

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