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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Day 4/5 - Boredom and London Bridge fell down...

Day 4 - a day of boredom. I tried to see what would happen with no plans and a lot of time on my hands. I found it somewhat stressful to start but then I read for a few hours and laid in the hammock. Being bored was not so bad.

Day 5 - back to yoga. I tried Vinyasa with a new instructor and realized I was not only the most uncoordinated person in class but the one who needed the most help. I was fine with the first set of moves until we got to the bridge. I found it impossible to arch myself backwards without falling over, and over, and over, and over again. The entire time I couldn't get London Bridge is Falling Down out of my head. The nice instructor came over and smiled and then grabbed my under my back and held in the bridge move. I could mentally hear the snickers of my classmates as he held me to keep me from falling on my head again. I assumed he did this to avoid a lawsuit or keep me from getting a concussion. At least I didn't sound like the guy next to me when we were breathing. With my eyes closed he sounded exactly like Darth Vader. I was thinking about asking him to say, "Luke, I am your father" but decided that would be against yoga etiquette.

What I learned: It is ok to be bad at something. I starts out humiliating (at least in my case) but forces you to focus and push through it.

What I appreciated about the day: The kind instructor who took pity on me.

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