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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Day 6/7 - Fireworks and packing

Nothing to exciting for the last two days. Spent some quality time with friends on the 4th and fell asleep before the fireworks went off. Now I am frantically packing for the next three weeks - national parks, here we come. I imagine something like National Lampoon's Vacation...

What I learned today - meditating while laying in a hammock turns into napping in a hammock.

What I appreciated about the day - while I was meditating (yes, before I fell asleep) to humming birds were doing Top Gun fly-byes of my head and at one point this small redheaded creature stopped in front of my face and just buzzed. I wasn't sure if it was going to poke me in the eye, try to suck my brains out, or just say hello. The little fellow took the third option.

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