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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Paris day 6: Stairs or shopping, you choose...

Every morning starts the same way, coffee and a light breakfast in our apartment and then more coffee as we wander the streets of Paris. We went to the Shakespeare Coffee and Book shop and had the best cappuccinos ever. Of course they were loaded with caffeine so we could feel our hearts pounding for the next few hours. All I could think of was my doctor and therapist saying, "You need to cut your coffee/caffeine intake by at least half." I started rationalizing this by reminding myself I was in a different country and time zone so technically it could be a different day and shouldn't count.

To see if we would work off some of our caffeine buzz, we decided to head to an outdoor bird market Rebecca had read about. I wasn't sure if they were going to be live birds for sale or dead ones to eat. As we approached the market I heard evil sounds, sort of like the Dementor's screams in Harry Potter, but more bone chilling. The squawking and chirping was everywhere and almost drove me crazy. Did I tell you I am not a bird lover? I removed myself and let Rebecca take in the sights and horrible noises.

We moved on to the Latin Quarter where we strolled the streets and tried the treats. The main road we walked on was a cobblestone lane that winds its way up the hill to Place de la Contrescarpe. It was actually an ancient Roman road that led from Paris to Rome back in the time. We knew it was old from the amount of times we twisted our ankles. Rebecca had a gelato that was shaped like a rose and loved it.

We moved on to Montmartre to do some shopping, ok, haggling. We were on a quest to find this one backpack for Mia that she said she liked and we now couldn't find anywhere. We finally laid eyes on it, but paying full price for it just didn't seem right. I pulled together some Euro cash and coins and told the owner he could have that amount in cash or I was going to use my credit card - he took the cash happily and we walked away with the desired souvenir.

As we wondered the streets, we stopped in our tracks due to a horrific smell. It was a cross between a backed-up sewer and moldy cheese; so, we went to find out what it was. Low and behold, it was an outdoor market that sold all types of dead animals and crustaceans. The combination of the meat, poultry, and shellfish smell was so overpowering I had to take a few steps back. Rebecca decided to get closer and take some pictures.

I was determined to see some more sights. I told Rebecca we should walk up the 375 stairs in an old church to see the view, she gave me the "are you f&*%ing kidding me?" look. Her verbal response was, "Sure, but after that we are going to go shopping at Galleries Lafayette." This is a large shopping mall here in Paris.

Here is where shopping ranks in my hate list:

1) sharks

2) bees

3) sharks that shoot bees out of their mouths

4) pedicures (I had one and almost died)

5) Instagram pictures of food from every meal

6) shopping

7) Kenny G

8) Swollen uvulas (I have a funny story about this one)

9) warm/flat beer

10) Selfie-sticks

I started to sweat as I had flashbacks to shopping at Harrods in London, while wearing a heavy winter coat when we were there at Christmas time. The crowds, the moisture, the sweat, the panic!!! Rebecca and I struck a bargain when I suggested we take the elevator tour of the Montparnasse building close to us. Win-Win for everyone.

We headed home, made our traditional refueling snack and put our feet up for a bit. We were debating going to see the Effiel Tower light show but it didn't start until 10pm. We have seen it before, and the thought of walking down 91 steps, to the metro, to the tower, back, and then up 91 steps sealed the deal - with the decision to instead do dinner locally, along with some people watching.

What I learned today: The history in this city is amazing. I think about US history and it is a fraction of time compared to France. The Roman relics and original roads have been around for so long and have weathered the test of time.

What I appreciated about the day: No real plans. We got up and just started walking to see where we would end up. I guess any path is the right path if you don't have a plan. We strolled, talked, and looked; and just enjoyed the day.

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