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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Paris day one: 91 steps up to our apartment

Updated: Aug 7, 2019

The flight was uneventful, which was nice as we have been on some rollercoaster rides in the past. Other than the impossible feat of trying to sleep, the seats weren't too bad.

We got to Paris and decided to take the train to our apartment vs an Uber. This can always be an adventure but for some reason we nailed it. Of course we arrived at our apartment and the property manager was no where to be found. We tried ringing the apartment and Whats App-ing him but no luck - that is us below trying not to freak out. Of course it started to rain so we huddled under the eves like a cat hiding from the rain. Finally we found a number and called him. His response was, "Since you weren't there I went to run some errands. I will be there in 20 mins." Gee, thanks so much. At least he helped carry a bag up the 91 steps.

We dropped our stuff off and hit the road. We decided to check out Notre-Dame and see what the post-fire repairs looked like. We saw it a few years ago and we shocked as to how much had burned and by the actual destruction.

After walking much more than we planned, we drug ourselves back to the apartment, swore up all 91 stairs, and crashed on the couch. We thought watching the new season of Stranger Things would help calm us down and keep the jet lag at bay. It worked!

What I learned: I really don't like flying but it is much easier when you have someone you love right next to you.

What I appreciated about the day: Slowly strolling alone the Seine River and just taking in the sights. No agenda, no plan, just living.

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