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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Riding high, salt in the eyes, and a pain in the butt..

Updated: Jul 12, 2019

I am going to move away from counting the days off as I keep losing track and locations are easier on my brain. We made it to Salt Lake City and picked up our awesome Grey Minivan, also known as the swagger wagon. We decided to tour the downtown area before heading to our condo in Park City. The Mormon Temple was cool and the people watching was amazing. We headed off to our condo and the coolest part was the mini gondola that you can ride up the mountain. Our kids thought it was a "ride" so we ended up going up and down and not getting off. After the third time the gondola operator asked if we needed any assistance or were lost. We were truly riding high.

We went out to the Great Salt Lake and floated. It was a strange experience and I equate it to sitting in a bowl of Jello that sat in the sun for an hour. The down side was getting water in your eyes and feeling like your eyelids were made of sandpaper. What we failed to realize was the volume of sand flies (I am talking millions) you had to cross through to get out to the water. Lets just say I had a pre-lunch snack of small protein bugs.

Now for the story about the pain in my butt. Rebecca and I went for a nice walk and got a cup of coffee. We sat down on a bench and as I went to get up I slid across it and actually got a very large splinter in my butt.

What I learned today: meditating outside watching the leaves blow in the wind is very peaceful.

What I appreciated about today: seeing my two kids with ear to ear grins riding the gondola. The look of pure joy made it a perfect day.

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