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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Road trip wrap up and some stats...

Beard update - my kids asked me to grow a beard for the trip, which I did. Between the horrible itchiness and looking like a calico cat, I really hated it. They allowed me to shave it early, so I had some fun and did a James Hetfield (Metallica lead singer) 80s style and then removed the terrible looking growth.

Egg update - we tried to fry an egg in Moab since it was 105 degrees. Clearly we didn't do this correctly as it was a huge mess and never cooked. The only thing it did was cause a flock of vultures to start circling above our heads and create a smell that drove everyone within a mile radius away. Well, at least it was fun.

We closed out our trip in Vegas with a few days of relaxation; that is a total oxymoron. Vegas was not relaxing and we all suffered from sensory overload, swollen feet and fingers the size of sausages thanks to the 100+ temps. The pool at Mandalay Bay was great with a wave pool - we body surfed and a lazy river.

I also forgot how deceptive Vegas is, a block there means a mile and a short walk down the hall to your room is like the spooky hallway in the Shining where the kid on the Big Wheel runs into the twins - "Want to play with us?" It

I really enjoyed having to take out a second mortgage for drinks - when did Vegas get so expensive? Luckily we won big and the winnings paid for 1/10 of a Starbucks' coffee.

The Lyft home from the airport was fun. Those who know me can attest that I can be frugal (ok cheap). I had two options for a car, $78 for a six seater or $34 for a four. I took the four. I forgot that we had picked up a few extra items on our trip and that a four seater is basically a clown car. So, I had to ride the entire drive home with a suitcase cutting off the circulation to my legs and Rebecca giving me the "I told you so" glare. But it all worked out and we made it home!

Here are some stats from our trip:

Miles driven: 3,694

Total days on the road: 21

State lines crossed: 12

States: 6

Dead bugs on the front of the car: 2,365,863,980

Containers of sunscreen: 10

Trips to Walmart for stuff: 6

Pounds gained from eating out: refuse to say

Average steps taken per day: 16K

Trips to Starbucks: 12

Fights between kids: less than when they are home (somewhere around 50)

Number of pounds over the suitcase limit due to souvenirs: 17

Number of laughs, smiles, and great memories: countless

What I learned today: taking time away from work to just focus on me and my family is critical. This is time I would have never had otherwise (thank you Microsoft) and can never be replaced.

What I enjoyed about the day: seeing my two kids so excited to be getting home. I know it sounds strange, but they were excited to see our cats and hamster, and of course their friends and their own rooms.

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