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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

We are off to Paris...

A huge thank you to Grandma Pris, Grandpa Don, and Grandma Cindy for hanging with our kids for the next eight days while Rebecca and I head to Paris. Of course we are currently waiting in the airport since someone (not me) likes to get to the airport three hours before a flight leaves, and the flight is delayed. Oh well, good people watching and overpriced food.

The Catio was completed and of course the cats refused to enter it. So, Rebecca used a little force and the both tried it out for a few seconds before running off. I told Rebecca that if they didn't used it, I was going to sell the cats and buy some chickens who I am sure would love a home like this. Luckily for them, they decided their new room with a view was not so bad and have become used to it.

I have filled the rest of the week preparing to travel, working down my To Do list, and enjoying time with my family. Ben and I played many rounds of tennis and Mia had a lacrosse camp which was so fun to watch. We have also been spending time with our friends and enjoying BBQs, swimming, and just talking.

What I learned: You hit ruts and roadblocks. I was doing so good meditating and was finding it a bit easier. I skipped a few days and then tried to get back in the rhythm and it was hard. Time to refocus and get back on the calming train.

What I appreciated: The Grandparents willingness to help out. I like that our kids get some "alone" time with just them so they can be spoiled and probably not shower all week.

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