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  • Writer's picturejohnstonmacd

Zion - rafting hurts more than hiking

Zion is by far my favorite stop on this tour. The rock formations are exquisite and I feel so small walking in the valleys. The main hike we took on day one was to the Weeping Walls. Here is where water from uphill streams seep through the cracks in rocks and make it look like the wall is crying. The strange looking blue mesh bag that Mia is holding is the official lizard-catcher tool. We have seen tons of them and caught a few; but they are fast and I can hear them taunting us as they scurry away.

The kids kept reminding me that this is supposed to be a vacation vs parental torture. I have decided to ignore their comments and made them march in circles (kidding). We did do some serious hiking though, in 100 degree heat, and couldn't wait to get back to our hotel with AC and a pool.

One of the highlights for the kids was listening to me scream as we floated down the river behind our hotel on innertubes and an air mattress. Of course, I got the air mattress that had little-to-no protection from the rocks that continued to crash into my stomach and other areas. Let's just say I did it once and will never try that again. The kids thought it was hilarious and wanted to see me in pain again.

What I learned today: Around every turn on a hike, there is a new experience waiting to happen. I sometimes forget this in life and only focus on the destination or goal vs enjoying the twists and turns of life.

What I appreciated about the day: The hotel we are staying at offers freshly made cookies every day. They now know me by my first name even though I try new tricks to get cookies; like asking where the best restaurant is and taking a cookie, or saying my kids have to use the lobby restroom and grabbing two. My most shameful one is waiting and reading a magazine until the receptionist is busy or helping someone, and then grabbing some and sprinting out of the lobby. I am not proud of myself but those cookies are sooooooo good.

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